LISTEN more; listen BETTER

Constantly be flanking yourself and the old habits of being yourself. Clinging to the old you is what sabotages the new, improved future you.

You don’t need to invent it; somebody else has invented something better – BUT YOU CAN STILL HELP TO IMPROVE THE BEST OF THE BEST!

Steal the examples of the best open source communication technology features, then read the docs to be able to ask better questions, so that you can better review code( and generally participate more thoughtfully in order to develop new relationships and build on your reputation of contributing meaningfully to improve the distributed development communities working in the realm of asynchronous communication.

Embracing the discipline of communication

OWN your OWN why. Extreme ownership means that YOU have to bring and elevate the discipline.

If you really want to be independent and not simply trade one master for another you will need to take full control of your time, including the implicity time structures that you keep … in other words, independence necessarily requires you to fully embrace ASYNCHRONICITY and define your time structures as something that is dependent upon your WHY.

Embracing ASYNCHRONICITY means that you take charge of your skillset so that are able to collaborate with anyone, anywhere, anytime … if it was not already obvious, embracing asynchronicity makes it even more imperative that you manage your own time and, above all, be much more focused on YOUR WHY. Stop settling for masters who demand that you kowtow to their agenda.