Be contrarian, even if you need to be contrary.

Make it possible for better friends to choose you … make it possible for weaker friends to decide they just can’t handle you … make it possible for large factions of people to completely ignore or avoid you.

You do not need to be part of any faction You certainly do not win anything by simply being in the majority. The nasty little reality of democracies is that the majority is largely, largely, largely made up of those who lack any form of accomplishment and truly belong in the lowest common denominator group.

There are 8 billion people on the planet; you can only be close friends with about 80 or these humans … maybe, with exceptional skills, you can be a good friend to 160 people, but you simply cannot please every body, so try harder to please the fewer … set up your life so that you will attract the 80 that will matter the very most.

80 / 8B = 0.00000001 … the best 1/10th of the best 1/100th of the best 1/100th of the best 1/100th … the most ideal tenth of the most ideal one percent of the most ideal one percent of the most ideal one percent. Stop being a commoner … more importantly, BE AN EXAMPLE of someone who can pull off being uncommon.

You do not need factions; you do not need celebrities

Factions continue to be responsible for ALMOST all of the senseless violence that kills, hurts or impoverishes human beings. VERY, very, very, very, very, very few human beings are affected by what some individual does to them … almost ALL human beings are predominantly affected by what they have done to themselves … THEY inflicted their cancer, their susceptiblity to illness, their lack of fitness, their depletion of their bank accounts … human beings are responsible for almost ALL of their own suffering … this is the result of choosing to be infatuated with celebrities and heroes and REFUSING TO BE that hero, that example of someone who can pull off being an uncommonly good friend to eighty of most ideal friends on the planet.