Be able to find things and make yourself findable.

Make it possible for better situations to choose you … manage your personal brand; maybe reverse-job-boardify your shingle … make it possible for weaker situations to decide that they can learn from you, but just can’t handle your expectations or intensity in a physical sense … make it possible for large factions of the global economy to be completely unaware of you, ignore you or avoid you … but do continue to BE FINDABLE for the right situations – the point is that YOU control and drive findability.

Listen better than the best; engineer your observability

Listening is the flipside of findability; listening has always been a lot tougher than it looks – but it’s even tougher now. This is not just a matter of tech … except, of course, you will definitely want to utilize tech to complement the non-tech side … it’s not the hardware, it’s the constantly elevated discipline.

If you want observability, you will need to be intimately familiar with structure of your data collection, sorting, sifting, processing, indexing and knowledge retrieval tech.

This is NOT a tech fascination thing! As a very general matter, you simply cannot be too skilled or too disciplined in matters that involved how intell is gathered and processed … not all data is really worth much as information; not all information is really worth much as knowledge; not all knowledge is really worth much wisdom … findability and observability are for a dynamic, constantly improving discernment discipline.