Legit Cliches Become Legit By Being Legitimately Useful
Practice Like You Play
Great coaches are repetitive as living fuck … embrace those cliche slogans that you hate to admit actually work for you.
When you constantly perfect your practice, you become intellectually free to improvise, adapt, overcome when the situation presents you with opportunities.
Use your D.O.W.N.T.I.M.E. to see and elimate waste.
Defects or anything less than an optimal use of resources to produce a result.
Overproducing, overpolishing, overthinking, overexplaining does not help … pay attention to the doing.
Waiting for anything, anyone, anytime is waste – minimize it at every turn.
Not listening to ideas is wasteful … somebody else has a better idea.
Transporting anything, commuting, traveling is inherently wasteful.
Inventories are necessarily wasteful … drive inventories to almost zero.
Motions or moving around for the sake of appearing to be busy and in motion is almost all waste.
Ego is pure waste, even though, practically-speaking, you will need strong self-esteem to exist … try not to confuse the two.