Start Placing a Higher Priority On YOUR Life
ADDICTS think stupid … people addicted to materialist SHIT think even stupider than other addicts, because they have to surround themselves with other materialists in order to maintain the illusion so that they are even able to reassure themselves that their material shit still matters.
Beyond, simply being a minimalist, you need to start placing a higher priority on YOUR life! You have less time left to LIVE than you think … when you are addicted to material stuff, you have traded a perfectly excellent LIFE for a pile of material shit. If you see material shit as a way of keeping score, that’s a sign of a problem with ADDICTION, ie it’s just like a heroin addict thinking that he has it made because he has a big pile of heroin.
The WHOLE POINT of AZYNCH is about YOU prioritizing YOUR life.
ONLY you can set the priorities and control the agenda in your physical existence … and your physical existence will dominate your entire material existence … body, mind, emotions will all be sort of dominated by the 8 billion pound physical gorilla that IS your room and where your room is located.
OF COURSE, physical meatspace matters … we believe that it matters even more than the people who demand synchronous meetings and events have begun to understand. Intuitively, they realize that the content of their meetings is largely irrelevent in their own right … instead, sychronous meetings DEPEND upon the presence of a captive audience in meatspace.
We believe that meatspace is the most important thing in your life … YOU should be in control of it … virtual meetings and zoom calls are fine for hammering out details WHEN THE COMMUNICATION FLOW IN ASYCHRONOUS WORKFLOW IS BROKEN … but having to be present for a meeting at certain point that works for other people is GENERALLY not the best way to live your life.
STOP going to meetings or events that not about YOUR Meatspace
Wean yourself of the addictive need to feel relevant by attending meetings or conferences.
If YOU do want to work in order to participate in the joy of meetings and the energy of traveling to conferences and events and vendor visits, then go for it and make the best of it… there’s really no limit of opportunities in that realm.
But if you’re going to meetings because you’re afraid of becoming irrelevant or maximizing your career in meatspace, then … you have to ask WHEN is your life going to be important to you?
The WHOLE POINT of participating in defining AZYCNCH workflows is that YOU are going to take greater responsibility for your LIFE … you are going to stop missing out on the joy of your meatspace, whether it be family, community, athletic lifestyles, doing science or art or what you love, creating new ventures, engaging in personal development and spiritual fulfillment … you should not have to hide from what really matters in your LIFE.
You will need to make adjustments … because income streams and career paths will be much more irregular and unpredictable … of course, there are tradeoffs … you shouldn’t quit your dayjob until you have a plan for MAKING IT in the more creative world of AZYNCH.
You will NEED to ditch your EGO; let go of your attachments your old ways, including your ties to materialist friends/family members … you will need FREEDOM and the ability to be in full control of your day … going full AZYNCH means that you stop being addicted to stuff or defininig your life by your pile of stuff and you REALLY don’t need a stuff-centric culture or contact with humans who are stuff-centric and will drag you back down into a stuff-centric existence.
Plan your day to pray, to meditate, to get exercise, to get the perfect amount of great sleep at night … and generally, take care of that or allocating time to that FIRST, so that you have BETTER better days to live and to think and ot BE ABLE to accomplish the priorities that truly matter to you. If you want to be free of stress, YOU are going to need to take charge of your daily workflow … you will not be free of stress, as long as you are a slave to someone else’s workflow.
Get practical, OUTDOOR exercise and involvement in your community in a manner that fits you; you will probably need to walk a LOT more in order to really SEE how people around you are getting along; you will almost certainly need to do 5S housekeeping matters in different dimensions of your life … you will need to do more REAL activities and hobbies that speak to who you are and provide a sense of accomplishment.
You will need to pay more attention to your nutrition which includes all aspects of the FULL enjoyment of food; but nutrition also extends to at least a passing awareness of the science on caloric restriction and therapeutic fasting. Nutrition changes as you age; even if you don’t think you needed to do this before being 65 or so, as you age will probably need need to engage in minor therapeutic levels of FASTING. At a minimum will need to better educate yourself about nutrtion, fasting, and fast-mimicking diets in order to be AWARE of exactly therapeutic fasting might mean for you. For some people whose appetites are under control, it just means not snacking between meals and maybe experimenting with One-Meal-A-Day lifestyles. For people at risk of diabetics or cancer, therapeutic fasting means pushing your GKI down to around 1, but certainly 3 or lower. The key point here is that really paying close attention to nutrition is a helluva lot tougher when you have the EXTRA STRESS of a job in which you don’t set your daily agenda and priorities.
Get in synch with your natural environment. Watch EVERY sunrise; watch EVER sunset. Enjoy the outdoors; enjoy the weather outdoors … stop imagining that you can choose better weather than the weather that is in a temperate four-season climate. Never mind polar plunges; learn to ENJOY both cold and hot weather as it is as being PERFECT for exactly what kind of weather you need most. Especially, find ways to enjoy the cold when the weather is too cold for others for cold weather’s excellence at being great at what COLD does. Enjoy the heat when the weather is too hot for others for hot weather’s excellence at being great at what HEAT does.